Safety and Security

Safety & Security

The inherent asset value and digital nature of crypto make it an attractive target for cybercriminals, so it’s crucial to ensure your password's robustness.
Change passwords regularly: Regular updates to your password make it harder for malicious individuals to gain unauthorized access to your account. It is recommended to change your passwords every 3 months, and ensure that it is notably different from previous passwords.
Password manager: Using a reliable password manager can be a helpful tool to create complex passwords and keep them safe. They ensure that passwords stay random, are strongly encrypted, and are easily accessible at all times via your computer or phone.
Avoid personal information: Refrain from using personal data, such as names, birth dates, or addresses. This type of data lacks password complexity, and it is what hackers often start with when trying to breach accounts. Furthermore, in the digital age, much of your information may be publicly available without you even realizing it.
Use complex passwords: Make sure to use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, various numbers, and special characters to increase password security. Ideally, aim for a minimum of 12 characters for added security.
Do not share your password: Keep your password confidential. Shared passwords risk unwanted access.